Japan Company Trust Organization: Profile

Organization:           Japan Company Trust Organization (JCTO)

Type:              Scrutiny and registration of Japanese companies

Description: Japan Company Trust Organization "JCTO" is an anti-fraud organization with Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. The organization registers only real Japanese companies with physical address, confirmation and documents scrutiny.

Scrutiny Committee:          Mr. Y. Ichikawa
                                                Mr. M. Oshima
                                                Mr. S. Iwamoto
                                                Mr. H. Suzuki
                                                Mr. K. Sasaki

Eligibility:     Only Japanese with physical address in Japan are eligible for registration. Non-Japanese companies with registered Office/Branch in Japan are also eligible to apply for registration. Application from 100% foreign companies with no office in Japan are not accepted.

Contact:         Natsuko Sato
                        Yasunori Ichikawa

Headquarters:         4-4-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku Tokyo 154-0004

Tel:                 03-3422-7799           Fax: 03-3422-7780


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